How to Manage Users in Windows-8 (add, remove, enable, delete, 8.1)?
To Manage Users in Windows 8 / 10 and Win 8.1 or to add, remove, enable, disable or delete the User Accounts, is the Program lusrmgr.msc (Local Users and Groups Manager) best suited.
To start program (Local Users and Groups Manager) at Windows 8, please start "RUN" via shortcut key combination [Win-Logo] + [R] and enter in the Edit-Box the cmd (command): lusrmgr.msc (... See Image-1 Arrow-1).
This run command will open "Local Users and Groups Manager" Program. (... See Image-1) Here is very easy to add more Windows 8 and 8.1 users, remove, disable, manage and ... .
Use Local Users and Groups to create and manage users and groups that are stored locally on a computer.
There are three types of accounts. Each type gives you a different level of control over the PC:
Administrator accounts provide the most control over a PC and should be used sparingly. You probably created this type of account when you first started using your PC.
Standard accounts are for everyday use. If you're setting up accounts for other people on your PC, it's a good idea to give them standard accounts.
Guest accounts are useful when people need to use a PC temporarily. You can turn on your PC's guest account in Control Panel.
Info (c) Microsoft:
A user account determines how you interact with your PC and personalize it. For example, your account determines which files and folders you can access, the changes you can make to the PC, and your personal preferences, such as your desktop background or screen saver. If you create separate accounts for other people, they don't have to share the same settings, which means you can restrict access to your files, folders, and even give different desktop backgrounds to other accounts.
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