12-Ants or more for your desktop. |  | 12-Ants |  |
Small 3D.Benchmark.OK for MS Windows OS |  | 3D.Benchmark.OK |  |
8 mouse balls on an elastic rubber band |  | 4ur-Windows-8-Mouse-Balls |  |
Allows Mouse Wheel in inactive Window |  | AlwaysMouseWheel |  |
Auto Hide Desktop Icons Portable Win-App. |  | AutoHideDesktopIcons |  |
Automatically hide the mouse cursor |  | AutoHideMouseCursor |  |
Energy efficiency improvement tool for MS OS |  | AutoPowerOptionsOK |  |
Countdown APP with customizable features and playlist. |  | Bitte.Wenden |  |
Portable tool to securely delete the data. |  | BlankAndSecure |  |
Easily adjust screen brightness on Windows. |  | Brightness.Manager.OK |  |
Classic Desktop clock for all Windows OS |  | ClassicDesktopClock |  |
Alternative command prompt Windows 11, 10, .. |  | ColorConsole |  |
A Corona KO as a 3D virus chasing time game |  | CoronaKO |  |
Identify the CPU frequency AMD, Intel, ... |  | CpuFrequenz |  |
Delete files, directories, folders at reboot |  | Delete.On.Reboot |  |
Desktop Calendar from To-Tray is O.K. |  | Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK |  |
The 3D desktop clock for MS Windows all OS |  | DesktopClock3D |  |
Digital Desktop Clock for all Windows OS |  | DesktopDigitalClock |  |
Desktop picture 3D display tool on Windows |  | DesktopImages3D |  |
Alternative to Sticky Note from Windows 7 |  | DesktopNoteOK |  |
Save and restore the desktop icon positions. |  | DesktopOK |  |
Magic snow flakes on your Windows Desktop |  | DesktopSnowOK |  |
Print content of a folder for Windows 10, ... |  | DirPrintOK |  |
Prevent Shutdown, Stand By, Turn Off, Restart |  | DontSleep |  |
Windows Experience Index reading, recalculate |  | ExperienceIndexOK |  |
Quickly find the same or similar pictures. |  | Find.Same.Images.OK |  |
A quick visual overview of all installed font |  | FontViewOK |  |
The pixel query function for all Windows OS |  | GetPixelColor |  |
A tool to read the window title and text |  | GetWindowText |  |
SSD, HDD, SD card, USB sticks Quick test |  | IsMyHdOK |  |
Check for dead/paralysed/stuck pixels on LCD |  | IsMyLcdOK |  |
RAM tester for DDR3, DDR4, DDR5, and DDR6. |  | IsMyMemoryOK |  |
Touchscreen test for defective touch points |  | IsMyTouchScreenOK |  |
KeepMouseSpeedOK to keep the Mouse Speed |  | KeepMouseSpeedOK |  |
Magic mouse trails for all Windows OS |  | MagicMouseTrails |  |
MatriX.CoronaKO the virus hunt continues |  | MatriX.CoronaKO |  |
Easy and fast way to scan for lost disk space |  | MeinPlatz |  |
10 extra Clipboard Memory Slots |  | MultiClipBoardSlots |  |
Corrections and manipulation of timestamp |  | NewFileTime |  |
On the fly not or maximum compressible files |  | NonCompressibleFiles |  |
Raindrops on the Windows Desktop 4 all MS-OS |  | OK.Its.Raining.Men |  |
Desktop Screen Magnifier for Windows |  | OneLoupe |  |
is a watch to stop the time. |  | OnlyStopWatch |  |
Safely remove drives and open close DVD, USB |  | OpenCloseDriveEject |  |
The classic MS Paint XP with a focus on pixel editing. |  | PaintOkay |  |
Helps to reduce photos in file size quickly |  | PhotoResizerOK |  |
Virtual pointer stick on your Windows Desktop |  | PointerStick |  |
Shutdown timer PC plus prevent turn off |  | PreventTurnOff |  |
Alternative test page printout for Windows OS |  | Print.Test.Page.OK |  |
Fast close and terminate programs |  | ProcessKO |  |
Really good quad explorer 4 files and folders |  | Q-Dir |  |
The fast RAM Test for Windows 10, 8.1, ... |  | QuickMemoryTestOK |  |
Paste pre-defined text via keyboard shortcut. |  | QuickTextPaste |  |
Alternative to standard Windows Run-Dialog |  | Run-Command |  |
Easy to read short door notes |  | ShortDoorNote |  |
Stress test for your PC. Let him sweat. |  | StressMyPC |  |
Powerful stress tester for 3D graphics cards. |  | StressTheGPU |  |
Desktop clock with alpha transparency |  | TheAeroClock |  |
Deleting locked or protected files. |  | ThisIsMyFile |  |
Path that your data travels over the internet |  | TraceRouteOK |  |
WinBin2Iso convert BIN to ISO images. |  | WinBin2Iso |  |
WinPing for comfortable pinging under Windows |  | WinPing |  |
Save the scanned documents into PDF. |  | WinScan2PDF |  |