Save Icon Layout at Program Start and Exit is also a way that we can have the program run at login so as to restore the icons the way it runs at startup / shutdown!
1.) ... Save symbol layout at program start and end!
2.) ... Further solutions to implement it for the advanced!
Please activate this layout save option:
Save at program exit
Restore at program start
Start DesktopOK with Windows
Please read the full description: ► Do you want to restore the icons on Windows start?
Please use ... always the latest version of DesktopOK!
Find some useful info in ... DesktopOK FAQ.
(Image-1) Save Icon Layout at Program Exit and Start! |
Looking for free tools to save the desktop icon, positions on Windows 10 and also restore them!
Free tools to save and restore desktop icon positions, not just for Windows 10. All PC users have their own way of arranging icons on the desktop. While some users prefer to let Windows arrange desktop icons automatically, most users want to arrange desktop icons in their own way. As you may have noticed, Windows 10 automatically changes the position of desktop icons when you change the screen resolution. Desktop icons can change position while playing or after disconnecting from an external display.
2.) Further solutions to realize it for the advanced!
Saving the icon layout to your desktop when the program starts and then exiting the program can be done through scripting or programming, depending on the platform you are using. Below I provide a general overview of how you can approach this task in both Windows and Linux environments.
Windows (Batch Script)
You can create a batch script to save the icon layout and then exit the program. Here is an example:
@echo off
:: Save the current icon layout to a file
reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop" "C:\Path\To\Your\IconLayout.reg" /y
:: Exit the program
Make sure to replace “C:\Path\To\Your\IconLayout.reg” with the actual path and filename where you want to save the icon layout. When you run this batch script, it exports the current icon layout to a .reg file and then exits.
Linux (Bash script)
In Linux, you can use a bash script to save the icon layout. The layout of the desktop icons is usually managed by your desktop environment, e.g. B. GNOME or KDE. Below is an example for GNOME:
# Save the current GNOME desktop icon layout to a file
gsettings get org.gnome.nautilus.desktop > ~/icon_layout_backup.txt
# Exit the program
This script uses the gsettings command to save the current GNOME desktop icon layout to a text file named icon_layout_backup.txt in your home directory.
Remember to customize the script according to your desktop environment if you don't use GNOME.
After you create these scripts, you can run them when your program starts to save the icon layout and then exit. Depending on your programming language and platform, you can use system commands or libraries to run these scripts.
After you create these scripts, you can run them when your program starts to save the icon layout and then exit. Depending on your programming language and platform, you can use system commands or libraries to run these scripts.