It's about legal questions, whether it makes a difference to download pictures or just view them in your favorite browser!
In order to display something on the Internet, to look at it ..., you always have to download this data. The only difference between saving is in terms of where it is saved. When you display, view an image online, ... you download the data, but you do not permanently store this data on your device. You must specifically select to download the file. This does not happen automatically.
When looking at the pictures in the browser!
Simply displaying documents or images online does not become a permanent part of your hard drive; these are in your temporary Internet files , mostly .dat files , but can be successfully removed using third-party cleaner software, but the Internet browser also has the settings delete from the cache!
As I said, you always have to download, but note that difficult problems can arise when these images are from a website and you upload them to your website or Facebook, Twitter, ..... It is better to add your own images or take your own pictures and use them, because the downloaded picture may be from a photographer who has the rights to the pictures!
Display and download image and save it on your hard drive!
If the images are not illegal and are intended for private use, you can usually assume that no one else will see them either. Thus it is a plain private collection for personal use without any profitable, malicious intentions!
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