The work with HTML i explained with beautiful pictures and an effective example:
Create the text (command) for QuickTextPaste: pastehtml:<b><span style="background-color: #ffff00;">%copy_text%</span></b>
and, for example, select the keyboard shortcut Alt Gr + N and press the Add Button. (... see Image-1)
Now to explain, pastehtml: causes QuickTextPaste to insert the text as HTML to the clipboard and send it to the active eg. foreground program.
The %copy_text% wildcard ensures that QuickTextPaste sends copy command to the program before sending the paste command to the active window (foreground program)
And so, the selected text is placed in the clipboard and is inserted through QuickTextPaste at the place from the placeholder %copy_text%. Here the imagination has no limits if you want to use this useful function.
Tip: At the point of %copy_text% you can also use %copy_html% to copy the formatted HTML text at the placeholder %copy_html%. Well suited for MS Office or Open Office to don't change the current text format.
1. You can also output HTML as plain text
Command: Here is the HTML source code:% phtml% (if one is in the clipboard)
Or only %phtml% It can be also combined with other commands
for Example.: pastehtml:<b><span style="background-color: #ffff00;">Heute ist %LDF% </span></b>
Sometimes you need to convert a certain text from lowercase to uppercase or from uppercase to lowercase. Purely and simply, the currently selected text will
The new command %send_tab% is to send TAB commands to the foreground program, so text forms can be filled better and faster. Info: In short, a tabular command
When creating a paste, there can be hyperlinks which are pasted as the plain text, how to make them paste as hyperlinks at once?
Formatting like BOLD, ITALIC, UNDERLINE, STRIKETHROU etc... through quicktextpaste?
Auto copy bold type from news feed and paste into my Journal with a hotkey
I downloaded QuickTastePaste as its exactly what I need for work when sending lots of similar emails.I have a question though. When I send these emails I copy and paste an image from a template I have. I then use your software to quickly input the subject into the email. But when I go to paste the template with the image into the next email it inputs what I have set on your software. This probably doesn't make sense sorry! I highlight my own template which includes an image so I cant use QTP. Then press ctrl c then open and an email and in the body press ctrl v. I then go the subject and use ctrl 1 which I set using QTP to 'looking for work?' which works fine. I then open a new email and go to do crtl v but it comes up with 'looking for work'.?
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