Turn-Off the search indexing service in Windows 10/11!
The solution Turn-Off the search indexing service in Windows 10/11, to permanently stop the search indexing service ob Windows!
1. Press the key combination Windows + R
2. Enter the command
services.msc and press Enter or the OK Button
3. In the window ,with the Windows 10 or 11 services, by a double-click on Windows Search
4. Open the settings for the Windows 10/11 search service.
5. Register here for disabling, so that this does not start with Windows 10
6. Click Button
"Stop" to stop the current search service.
... see Image-1 Point 1 to 5 )
And now, Apply Button to apply the settings for the Windows 10/11 search, to take effect!
(Image-1) Turn-Off the search indexing service in Windows 10!
Updated on: 5 July 2021 14:18
Keywords: search, turn-off, indexing, service, windows, 11, 10, solution, permanently, stop
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