The temporary storage of the symbols, also known as icons under Windows, is very advantageous, but when saving, the icons can be misinterpreted. Once incorrectly saved and the incorrect symbols appear again and again in the file explorer and other alternative file managers , deleting them is an advantage because they are read again after deletion, incorrect interpretation of the symbols is not uncommon; as well as the position of the desktop icons .
If the thumbnails or thumbnails are not displayed correctly in Windows 11 and 10 File Explorer, you must reset them. Everyone probably knows how to activate
You do not want to see some drives in Windows 11/10 File Explorer and want to hide them Especially with drives of the hard disk with several partitions
I'm looking for a solution, Windows has exchanged my symbols on Microsoft in the areas of My Computer, in Windows Explorer and even on the desktop. What do I have to do to get correct symbols by default?
Repair the display of the icons on Windows 10 and Windows 11, for me the display of the icons on the desktop has become confused, all have a different icon than usual, the icons / symbol responsible program does not work properly, what needs to be done to fix the problem in Windows Explorer ?
After restarting the computer, my icons are wrong, what do I do that they are displayed correctly again?
Help Can I have incorrect desktop icons displayed correctly again?
Where can I find IconCache.db in Explorer?
I think Windows icons are mixed up, why does the operating system have some icons wrong, do I have to download other icons, is there a tip on how I can get the problem under control?
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