Is portable use of Desktop Icon Save possible ho to find the DesktopOK.ini?
A portable use of DesktopOK on Windows is possible, and it does not matter whether it is Windows 11, 10, 8.1 ... and all MS Windows Server!
By default is the DesktopOK.ini in: "C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Roaming\DesktopOK\DesktopOK.ini"
eg %appdata%\DesktopOK\
For portable use: create or copy in the same directory (DesktopOK Work-directory) the file DesktopOK.ini. DesktopOK will uses this to save the desktop icon layouts. (Please restart DesktopOK)
Please don't Save in Protected folders in Windows 10.
From Version 3.73:
If can't write in the DesktopOK.ini, auto create an ini file in the %appdata%/DesktopOK/DesktopOK.ini to save the Desktop Icons-Location.
Info: Please Run (Windows + R) the Command %appdata% to find this folder!
Important: the Windows 10 x64 is very aggressive to the X32 APPs please use the x64 Version of DesktopOK.
It is easy to start the Freeware Desktop Icon Restore for Windows minimized and /or always minimized To-Tray in Windows Desktop-Tray Bar. Info: DesktopOK
Yes, DesktopOK has this save option for the correct layout naming for multi-screens and virtual desktop, via menu, menu-point Save Options. Info: At 1.75
At DesktopOK 1.71 it is possible to save the DesktopOK settings and Desktop Icons Layout in The Windows Registry Similarly, one can now optionally rename
Sorry, but I totally misunderstood the message in the readme file. It was not clear to me how I should do if it was my first time use of DesktopOK. I then saw the same message in the program and both are really hard to understand and very confusing. Info The current DesktopOK settings are stored in: E:\Utils\Desktop\DesktopOK\DesktopOK.ini For portable use please create in DesktopOK working directory the DesktopOK.ini I would suggest you to change that last sentence (and in the readme file) to something like this: "To run DesktopOK as a portable program you should create an empty DesktopOK.ini in the same directory as DesktopOK.exe." So it will be more clear what you mean.?
It would be nice, if it is stored in the same folder as the program itself in a file, then it could also use the backup, if I make my PC new (install).?
We have the problem that our users do not have administrator rights and therefore no write permissions in the Windows folder.? Is not it possible to save the DesktopOK.ini in a user-related area? eg in the user profile (variable% userprofile%) Thus every user could save his own icon layout. Many Thanks!? But it would be desirable to be able to set the path for storing the DesktopOK.ini. Then he could be involved in the backup.?
I've been using your DesktopOK tool for quite some time, it's really helpful if you change the screen more often or just access the desktop remotely and all the icons are scattered. I put the DesktopOK folder along with other "portable apps" in my cloud folder, so I do not have to download the tools on multiple machines. This works very well. As a suggestion, I would like to make the automatic alignment of the icons at startup dependent on the PC name. It should therefore be loaded on the laptop, the laptop profile, and on the desktop from the desktop. Can you do something like that?
But I got some kind of problem, your soft is kinda popular in my organization (about 100 PC). So I made simple distribution of DesktopOK thrugh our SCCM. I published DesktopOK, I saw it on test PC in Software Center and I can't properly install it. I suppose, DesktopOk installator just can't do that type of installtion. Could you please give me some hint about installign DesktopOK by scripting way? Via command promt or PowerShell... I mean - without GUI? Does your software intallator has any silent mode or other options for installing by script on banch of PCs? I will realy appriciate your answer and any suggetion.
I'm using DesktopOK 4.94 and I've noticed in this and previous versions that the AutoSave feature is always on, even though it was not enabled by the menu. With option> Auto-Save THIS FUNCTION is not activated at all, here is no checkmark to be seen, accordingly one should not always create any auto-save. Bug in the software? By the way, a small wish: It would be great if you can simply click on an already created icon layout and overwrite it accordingly with OVERWRITE. I call my layout eg with 4K 4K, if I use two 4K monitors next to each other. Sometimes I just want to override the layout instead of deleting it and then creating and renaming a new one. Possible?
Currently it is that if you want to save a current layout under a certain name, you have to delete the last backup (with the desired name), then saves the current layout and then rename it according to the previously used name again. It would be good if you could just select the current layout (eg with the name "4K | 4K", if you use two 4K monitors) and click on Save, you will be promptly asked "Overwrite?" and you just have to confirm with OK. That would greatly simplify the process.?
I love your DesktopOK 1.37 because I use this for a VM that I often use to present. But what I wanted to know, WHERE does the program save the settings? So that I can also back-up these externally. 1000 thanks Chr .....?
I changed my computer and want to restore the icon locations. I have saved the locations in my old computer, How can I move the saved files to the new computer? where are the saved files located?
Is there any possibilities to change Storage Directory to D: instead of the default C: ? Thanks a lot for your answer
Saving goes, recovering is only possible until the computer is switched off. After restart, data lines are gone. There are programs which designate desktopok as PUP. I uninstall such. Was it Avira? 22 OK 2008 Dear sir DesktopOK is really a great and useful freeware but why don't let the program save the *.ini (desktopok.ini) in the same folder of the program so i could be a portable version it could great thanks Why, after a Microsoft Update and a reboot, is the saved desktop file deleted? Defeats the purpose of Desktop OK to help me quickly restore my desktop arrangement. I am quite disappointed at this development.
Hello, I contact you to ask if it is possible to save a file that takes into account all the settings and customizations applied for the DesktopOK ver. 8.38 so you can reapply them the same in another pc.
It appears that the .ini file is already stored in the same directory as the .exe file. So my question was of no interest.
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