► Print or export search result data list from Explorer in Win 11, 10, 8.1, 7 (xls, txt, html, csv)! ◄
► Batch processing of photos and reduction options! ◄
► Windows 10 SDK c++ Download! ◄
► Drop your own custom flakes on the desktop? ◄
► How can I uninstall the DesktopSnowOK from Windows 11, 10, ... ? ◄
► How to use this pixel query tool on MS Windows 11, 10, etc. OS? ◄
► On Android Phone adjust mouse and touch speed ie Samsung Galaxy? ◄
► The stopwatch window menu is annoying when the clock is reduced! ◄
► What else will there be in freeware, what is planned! ◄
► Donate via PayPal Problem, why? ◄