Difference between Git and GitHub: Git is a local version control system for managing project versions, while GitHub is a web-based platform that hosts Git repositories and provides additional collaboration and project management features.1. Definition and purpose: - Git: Git is a distributed version control system designed to track and manage changes to files and projects. It allows developers to store the entire history of a project, manage different versions of the files, and coordinate changes efficiently. Git works locally on a developer's computer without requiring an Internet connection to manage version history. - GitHub: GitHub is a web-based platform for managing and hosting Git repositories. It provides a user interface based on Git and adds additional features such as collaboration tools, project management, and an online community. GitHub allows developers to store, share, and collaborate on their Git repositories online, and offers additional features such as pull requests, issues, and code reviews. 2. Functions and use: - Git: Git provides the basic functionality for version control, including committing, branching, merging, and reverting. Developers can create local repositories, make changes, and view version history. Git itself does not provide a web-based user interface or collaboration tools; its functionality is limited to the command line or graphical clients that support Git. - GitHub: GitHub complements Git with a variety of collaboration features, including: - Pull requests: A mechanism for reviewing and integrating changes from different branches or forks. - Issues: A system for tracking bugs, issues, and feature requests. - Actions: A CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) platform for automating build, test and deployment processes. - Wiki: A documentation platform for projects. - Social Features: Opportunities for collaboration and sharing within the developer community, including forking and stars. 3. Installation and access: - Git: Git must be installed locally on a developer's computer. It is a command line tool that can also be complemented by various graphical user interfaces. - GitHub: GitHub is an online service accessible through a web browser. To use GitHub, developers need an account on the GitHub website. Interaction with GitHub is usually done through Git commands that are synchronized with the GitHub server. 4. Operation and synchronization: - Git: With Git, developers work locally and can commit and branch their changes at any time. To share changes with other developers, they must push them to a remote server (such as GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket). - GitHub: GitHub serves as a central place to host remote repositories. Developers can sync their local Git repositories with GitHub by pushing changes and downloading other developers' changes through pulls. 5. Price and availability: - Git: Git is an open source tool and available for free. It can be installed and used on various operating systems. - GitHub: GitHub offers both free and paid plans. The free plan includes public repositories and a limited number of private repositories. The paid plans offer additional features such as unlimited private repositories and advanced collaboration tools. To summarize, Git is a powerful version control system that works locally on a computer, while GitHub is a web-based platform that extends Git for hosting and collaboration. GitHub uses Git to support version control but offers additional features to improve teamwork and project management. FAQ 25: Updated on: 27 July 2024 16:16 |