Start batch files one after the other and not at the same time?
In order to start batch files one after the other and not at the same time, you should use the correct command, then it will work again with the command prompt!
1.) Start programs or batch files one after the other in a batch file!
If you want the other batch files to start sequentially rather than at the same time, you can use the call function to pass control to the called batch file and wait for it to complete before calling the next one. Here is an example:
echo All batch files were executed one after the other.
In this example, the batch files My-Batch-File-1.bat, My-Batch-File-1.bat and Program-1.exe are called one after the other. The batch file waits until each called batch file completes before moving on to the next.
Here is another example with a backup of a folder with 7-Zip:
set year=%date:~-4%
set month=%date:~-7.2%
set day=%date:~-10.2%
set date=%year%%month%%day%
set filter=* .bsc;*.pch;*.obj;*.ncb;*.ilk;*.tlb;*.tli;*.tmp;*.rsp;*.pgc;*.pgd;*.sbr;*.idb ;*.pdb;*.ipch;*.sdf;
Set folder=_cpp_m
echo All batch files were started one after the other.
In this case, the batch files will open in separate CMD windows, but execution of the calling batch file will not be blocked. Note that the order in which the batch files finish is not fixed.
3.) What do I have to pay attention to with such batch files?
There are some important points to keep in mind when creating and using batch files:
Security: Batch files can execute system commands. You should therefore ensure that you use trustworthy sources and do not include malicious or unsafe commands in your batch files.
File extension: Batch files should have a “.bat” extension, e.g. E.g. “MyBatchFile.bat”.
Paths and filenames: Make sure paths and filenames are correct. Use absolute or relative paths as appropriate.
Comments: Add comments to explain the code and make maintenance easier for future users or yourself.
Dependencies: If your batch file depends on other files or resources, make sure they are available and reachable.
Handling parameters: Pay attention to how you handle arguments and parameters in your batch file and check their validity.
Environment variables: Use environment variables to access system information or user information.
Testing: Before deploying your batch file to a production environment, test it thoroughly in a safe environment to avoid unwanted side effects.
Documentation: Document your batch files, especially if they are used by others.
Consider Compatibility: Note that batch files work on Windows systems but may not work on other platforms or operating systems.
Be careful with batch files as they can impact the system. Make sure you understand the impact of your batch files and use them consciously and responsibly
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