A portable use of the Aero Clock on all Windows is possible, for mobile use: create or copy TheAeroClock.ini!Here is a detailed guide on how to use Aero Clock portable on all Windows versions and how to save settings in TheAeroClock.ini file: 1. Portable use of Aero Clock: - To use Aero Clock portable, you first need to make sure that the TheAeroClock.ini file exists. - By default, TheAeroClock.ini is located in the directory: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\TheAeroClock\" or "%appdata%\TheAeroClock\" . - To enable portable use, create a copy of TheAeroClock.ini file in the same directory (the working directory of TheAeroClock). Aero Clock uses this file to store settings. Make sure to restart TheAeroClock after creating the copy for the changes to take effect. - Some users may want to move TheAeroClock.exe file to the default program directory, e.g. E.g. "C:/Program Files/TheAeroClock" . It is important to note that you should not save the files in protected folders in Windows 10. 2. Automatic creation of the TheAeroClock.ini file: - From program version 3.03, the program automatically creates an Ini file called TheAeroClock.ini in the "%appdata%/TheAeroClock/" directory if there is no write permission in the existing TheAeroClock. ini there. This file is used to store the Desktop Aero Clock settings. - You can open or find the "%appdata%/TheAeroClock/" folder via the "%appdata%" command (Windows + R). 3. Using the latest version of TheAeroClock: - It is recommended to always use the latest version of TheAeroClock to benefit from the latest features and improvements. 4. Important for Windows 10: - Windows 10 can be very aggressive towards x32 apps and programs after updates. It is recommended to use the x64 version of TheAeroClock on Windows x64 to avoid any compatibility issues. By following these steps, you can use Aero Clock portably and save the settings in TheAeroClock.ini file, regardless of which version of Windows you are using. FAQ 8: Updated on: 8 April 2024 19:41 |
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