What is the difference between Windows 8 x64 to x86,x32 and Win 8.1?
The key difference between Windows 8 / 8.1 x64 to x86,x32!
x64 only on x64 CPU's
The 64-bit support and the advantages and disadvantage they offer:
Advantages x64:
* 64Bit OS can handle larger amounts of information than a 32Bit system.
* More working memory (over 4GB)
* When you run many programs simultaneously.
* If you are using newest hardware.
Advantages x32 (x86):
* You have many older software without 64 bit (Windows 8 x64) support.
* If you are using older hardware.
* Ram <= 2 GB
Win 8 and 8.1 System requirements 64-bit (x64)
CPU with 1 GHz
20 GByte Disk
2 GByte RAM
PS: (50-100 GB is better)
Win 8 and 8.1 System requirements 32-bit (x86)
CPU with 1 GHz
16 GByte Disk
1 GByte RAM
PS: (50-100 GB is better)
Info: x86 = x32 = 32 Bit and x64 = 64 Bit
(Image-1) 8.1 size on Disk after Install end Auto Update 2020!
FAQ 3: Updated on: 12 July 2020 06:24
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Keywords: windows, eight, 8.1, what, difference, between, x64, x32, x86, advantages, disadvantage, Questions, Answers, Software