Batch scripts to automatically restart Internet connections!?
A simple batch script can help resolve common network issues by restarting the network adapter, clearing the DNS cache, and updating the IP address. This is useful for:
✔️ Sudden internet loss
✔️ DNS problems (websites do not load)
✔️ Unstable or slow connections
1. `ipconfig /release` – Releases the current IP address
2. `ipconfig /flushdns` – Clears the DNS cache
3. ipconfig /renew` – Requests a new IP address from the router
4. `netsh winsock reset` – Resets the network configuration
2.) 🤖 Automatic detection of Internet problems
If you don't want to always check manually if the Internet is down, you can use this script:
@echo off
echo Checking Internet connection ...
ping -n >nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo No connection! Restart network adapter ...
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
netsh winsock reset
echo Network was reset!
) else (
echo Internet connection is OK .)
📌 What makes this script better?
✔️ First checks if the Internet is really down (using a ping test)
✔️ Only restarts the network adapter if there is a problem
3.) 🛠 Can I run the script automatically?
Yes! You can set up a scheduled task in Windows so that the script runs regularly or automatically when the internet is lost:
1. Save script: Save the code as `network-reset.bat`
2. Open Task Scheduler: `Win + R`, then enter `taskschd.msc`
3. Create new task and save the `.bat` file as an action
4. Set triggers , e.g. every 30 minutes or when the network fails
4.) 🏁 Conclusion
- A simple batch script can quickly fix network problems
- An advanced version automatically checks the Internet
- The script can be run regularly via the Windows Task Scheduler
5.) 🖥 Differences between Windows 10, 11, 12 and MS Server
Windows 10 & 11
Windows 12 (future)
Windows Server (2016/2019/2022)
ipconfig /release /renew
✅ Works normally
✅ Probably unchanged
🚫 May not work with static IP
ipconfig /flushdns
✅ Clears local DNS cache
✅ Expects same function
✅ Same, but often controlled by DNS server
netsh winsock reset
✅ Resets network
✅ Should stay the same
⚠ May cause interruptions in server services
network adapter reset
✅ No problem
✅ No changes expected
⚠ May cause outages on productive servers
Automatic tasks (task scheduler)
✅ Works
✅ Expects soon
✅ Possible, but recommended via group policies
🔄 Special notes for Windows Server
✅ Server with DHCP : If the IP address comes from the DHCP server, `ipconfig /release` and `ipconfig /renew` work as usual.
🚫 Static IPs : If the server has a static IP address , `ipconfig /release` should not be used, otherwise the connection will be lost.
⚠ Server services : `netsh winsock reset` can affect services such as web servers, databases or remote access - best to run outside of working hours!
📌 Conclusion
✔️ Windows 10, 11 and 12: Script works without problems
✔️ Windows Server: Use script with caution – pay attention to static IPs and server services!
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