The script is useful, but there are some differences between Windows 10, 11, 12 and MS Server when deleting temporary files and the Recycle Bin:
1. Include system-wide temp folder: `%temp%` only deletes user-specific files. The system-wide temp folder (`C:\Windows\Temp`) could also be included.
2. Empty the recycle bin for all users: Instead of `rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.Bin`, it is better to use `PowerShell` to empty the recycle bin for all users.
3. Check admin rights: Some commands require elevated rights. A query or direct elevation can be helpful.
@echo off
:: Checks if the script is running as administrator
net session >nul 2>& 1 || ( echo Please run as administrator! & pause & exit )
echo Deleting temporary files ...
del /s /q "%temp% \*.* " >nul 2>&1
rd /s /q "%temp%" >nul 2>&1
md "%temp%" >nul 2>& 1
echo Deleting system-wide temporary files ...
del /s /q "C: \ Windows \ Temp \*.* " >nul 2>&1
rd /s /q "C: \ Windows \ Temp" >nul 2>&1
md "C: \ Windows \ Temp" >nul 2>&1
echo Empty the Recycle Bin ...
PowerShell -Command "Clear-RecycleBin -Force"
echo Cleanup completed!
This version:
- Checks admin rights
- Also deletes system-wide temp files
- Empty the recycle bin with PowerShell
2.) Differences between Windows 10, 11, 12 and MS Server
when deleting temporary files and the recycle bin:
1. Temporary files (%temp% & C:\Windows\Temp)
✅ Windows 10, 11, 12 & Server
- `%temp%` is unique to each user.
- `C:\Windows\Temp` is used by system processes and requires administrator rights to delete.
- In Windows Server, some files in `C:\Windows\Temp` may be used by running services, so not all of them can be deleted.
2. Recycle Bin (`C:\$Recycle.Bin`)
🔹 Windows 10, 11, 12:
- `C:\$Recycle.Bin` contains all users' recycle bins.
- In newer versions of Windows, `Clear-RecycleBin` via PowerShell is more reliable.
🔹 Windows Server:
- Server administrators often disable the recycle bin, so emptying it may not be necessary.
- The command `PowerShell -Command "Clear-RecycleBin -Force"` works in Windows Server 2012 R2 and later.
3. Differences in the cleanup
💡 Windows 11 & 12:
- Use "Storage Sense", which automatically deletes temp files.
- Some temp files are locked by the system and cannot be removed with `del`.
💡 Windows Server:
- `C:\Windows\Temp` may contain sensitive logs or temporary installation files that may not be deleted.
- Some cleanup tools (like `Disk Cleanup`) are not installed by default on servers.
Recommended customization for Windows Server
If the script is running on Windows Server , it would be better to just delete `%temp%` first and not empty the Recycle Bin automatically. Instead, you could ask for confirmation:
@echo off
net session >nul 2>& 1 || ( echo Please run as administrator! & pause & exit )
echo Delete user temp files ...
del /s /q "%temp% \*.* " >nul 2>&1
rd /s /q "%temp%" >nul 2>&1
md "%temp%" >nul 2>& 1
echo Deleting system-wide temp files ...
del /s /q "C: \ Windows \ Temp \*.* " >nul 2>&1
rd /s /q "C: \ Windows \ Temp" >nul 2>&1
md "C: \ Windows \ Temp" >nul 2>&1
:: Ask for trash cleanup on server version
ver | findstr /i "server" >nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo Do you want to empty the recycle bin ? ( Y/N )
set /p choice =
if /I "%choice%" == "Y" PowerShell -Command "Clear-RecycleBin -Force") else (
echo Empty the recycle bin ...
PowerShell -Command "Clear-RecycleBin -Force")
echo Cleanup completed!
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The script is useful, but there are some differences between Windows 10, 11, 12 and MS Server when deleting temporary files and the Recycle Bin: IN ADVANCE:
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